By Clara Volintiru As national governments continue to struggle with the COVID-19 crisis, decision-makers are trying to develop an economic rescue plan fit for all of Europe. It can only be a common rescue plan because absolutely no member state, not even Germany, can fend off the coming recession by itself. If competitivity on.
“Climate change: why policy-makers and central banks need to be increasingly concerned”
Financial markets are inherently myopic and misconduct isnot seldom. This means that proper regulations have to operate to rein infinance.Moreover, the Great Recessionwas enhanced by monumental failures of policy-making and a misleading paradigm, as Alan Greenspan ruefully remarked during Congress hearings in August 2008. Let us recall the Big Bang of 1986 in the City.
Masă Rotundă. Schimbările climatice, pact ecologic și ordinea mondială. 23.10.2019
23 Octombrie 2019 Academia de Studii Economice (ASE) Facultatea de Relații Internaționale (REI) SALA GOOGLE Agenda ISEE Climate Change 2019 (RO) Agenda ISEE Climate Change 2019 (ENG) Această masa rotunda va adresa contextul actual și provocările derivate din schimbările climatice. Potrivit raportului de anul acesta asupra riscurilor globale realizat de World Economic Forum, schimbările climatice.
Nelson Michaud et Rarès Burlacu discutent de l’importance des relations multilatérales en Roumanie
Dans le cadre d’une rencontre tenue en marge du Sommet du Conseil de l’Union Européenne à Bucarest, le 7 mai dernier, le professeur Nelson Michaud a présenté une analyse portant sur les menaces faites au multilatéralisme. Intitulée « pourquoi la relation transatlantique est-elle vitale pour la démocratie et un ordre mondial stable ? », la.